Seite 58 von 126

Verfasst: 21.7.2007 - 22:32
von Routinier
Nicht euer Ernst, oder? Hilft es euch, wenn ich sage, dass ich mir einen kleinen Scherz erlaubt habe?

Verfasst: 21.7.2007 - 23:58
von Bettini_der_Beste
Routinier hat geschrieben:Nicht euer Ernst, oder? Hilft es euch, wenn ich sage, dass ich mir einen kleinen Scherz erlaubt habe?
Mmh, bin mir nicht sicher, ist es von den Toten Hosen? Viva la Revolution?

Verfasst: 22.7.2007 - 1:17
von Routinier
Ja und ja. :lol:

Verfasst: 22.7.2007 - 19:23
von MichaelBoogerd
viva la revolution
es gibt ein leben vor dem tod
:lol: das hatte mal stil :lol:

Verfasst: 22.7.2007 - 21:41
von Bettini_der_Beste
Routinier hat geschrieben:Ja und ja. :lol:
Danke, für die geschenkte Runde :D
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before

Verfasst: 22.7.2007 - 21:46
von Ueberflieger
Eagles - Hotel California

Verfasst: 22.7.2007 - 21:48
von Bettini_der_Beste
Ueberflieger hat geschrieben:Eagles - Hotel California
Das ging erwartet schnell. It's your turn.

Verfasst: 22.7.2007 - 21:51
von Ueberflieger
Zum Dank von mir auch ein hoffentlich schnelles...
Von Taliban bis Vatikan sieht man das es stimmt,
dass die ganzen Abstinenzler noch immer die schlimmsten sind...

Verfasst: 22.7.2007 - 21:54
von SantiPerezFernandez
Tote Hosen - Kein Alkohol ist auch keine Lösung

Sagt der Abstinenzler des Forums.

Verfasst: 22.7.2007 - 21:56
von Ueberflieger

der Gelegenheitstrinker

Verfasst: 22.7.2007 - 21:58
von SantiPerezFernandez
Komm, mach dich free for me.

Verfasst: 22.7.2007 - 22:01
von Fantast
Die Wanne ist voll - Helga Feddersen und Didi Hallervorden

Verfasst: 22.7.2007 - 22:02
von SantiPerezFernandez
Ja. Gibt es irgendein besseres Lied? :D

Verfasst: 22.7.2007 - 22:09
von dBruylandts
Naja, da lässt sich drüber s(ch)peaken ;)

Sorry, konnte nicht anders und bin schon wieder weg.

Verfasst: 23.7.2007 - 11:12
von Fantast
********* we got no flowers for you
Just these three miserable cunts
Sitting on the back seat turning on the off beat
We know you love us and you probably do
Although you're husband may cut us
He's such an animal though everything is possible

Give us a kiss and maybe we can go out
It's hard to miss you when you follow us about
Buy us some shoes and maybe take us for cola
We'll get you there in some filthy big gondola

Clean out the bank and bump off your daddy
You can come live with us among the has beens and the addicts
These are crazy times down at Costello music
You can answer the phone and talk nice anyway you choose it

Verfasst: 24.7.2007 - 8:32
von Fantast
********* we got no flowers for you
Just these three miserable cunts
Sitting on the back seat turning on the off beat
We know you love us and you probably do
Although you're husband may cut us
He's such an animal though everything is possible

Give us a kiss and maybe we can go out
It's hard to miss you when you follow us about
Buy us some shoes and maybe take us for cola
We'll get you there in some filthy big gondola

Clean out the bank and bump off your daddy
You can come live with us among the has beens and the addicts
These are crazy times down at Costello music
You can answer the phone and talk nice anyway you choose it
Come on
Oh come on
Oh come on

Dear ********* we're just three lonely boys
Though the girls love us we're so
Into you incredibly we'd love to see you terribly
We'd love to hate you but we don 't have no choice
Come be our wa ha ha ha
Honey, honey three four one time once more

Give us a kiss and maybe we can go out
It's hard to miss you when you follow us about
Buy us some shoes and maybe take us for cola
We'll get you there in some filthy big gondola

Clean out the bank and bump off your daddy
You can come live with us among the has beens and the addicts
These are crazy times down at Costello music
You can answer the phone and talk nice anyway you choose it
Mehr Text gibt es leider nicht.

Verfasst: 24.7.2007 - 10:25
von Haselhoernchen
Psssst, Fantast: viewtopic.php?p=422181#422181

Kein Lerneffekt im Liedzitate-Thread. Und abstauben durch Betätigung der Suchfunktion will ich auch nich.

Verfasst: 24.7.2007 - 10:35
von Fantast
Huups, nicht gesehen. Ich habe das Lied aber auch erst in den letzten Wochen kennen- und lieben gelernt. Dann eben ein anderes.
**** ****** ** *****, but I can't seem to find my way over
Wandering I am lost, as I travel along the white cliffs of dover
**** ****** ** *****, and it's only my will that keeps me alive
I've been licked, washed up for years, and I merely survive
because of my pride

And this lonliness won't leave me alone;
It's such a drag to be on your own
My baby left me and she didn't say why;
Well, I guess I'll have to try

**** ****** ** *****, but just where to begin; I'm playing for time
There have been times I find myself thinking of committing
some dreadful crime
**** ****** ** *****, but I can't seem to find my way over
Wandering, I am lost as I travel along the white cliffs of Dover

Verfasst: 24.7.2007 - 14:58
von ETXE
"Many Rivers to Cross" von Jimmy Cliff.

Verfasst: 24.7.2007 - 15:01
von Fantast

Verfasst: 24.7.2007 - 15:13
von ETXE
Aus besonderem Anlass:
Deep down Louisiana close to New Orleans
Way back up in the woods among the everglades ...
... Who never ever learned to read or write so well
But he could play the guitar just like a ringing a bell