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How to Create 1:1 Stages from Google Earth

Verfasst: 14.2.2009 - 10:16
von impish
This is specialy for stage builders the like to work with google earth. Everything i discribe here will also work (better) with an original *.gpx (GPS xchange fomat). But at the beginn i show everyone how to do it with google earth.

Part 1: Things we need
Google Maps ->
GPS Track Analyser ->
GPS Kicker -> released soon

In Google Map you design your route, and at the end press right/top a little bit over the map LINK, a small windows pop up, copy the first line, open a new browser window, paste the copied line and add '&output=kml' (without '') at the end of the url.
Press return and same the created *.kml file to your working folder

Start GPS Track Analyser and Open the created *.kml file.
In Menu Trackpoints-bearbeiten select SRTM-Höhendaten zuweisen.
A Window opens and you get a lot of informations you have to follow.
This part of the tool adds the missing altitude to our google map route
The only problem is now we dont have this information local on our pc so first we must download it from a homepage like
At top of the window you see which files are necessary in this case, download it from the url you like store it in a folder (and unzip it) you like and and add this path in the line the tool need.
Remember dont delete this files you need and can build so your own library.
If all files are in the folder press refresh (aktualisieren) and the button SRTM-Zuweisen will get enabled.
So Press the button and abra kadabra we get altitudes to our profile.
If you get more then one section in this route you must do it for all the section.
Still remember at the beginning it needs time but in future it goes very fast.
At the end Save As a gpx file in your working folder.

Now we have a gps track with all infos we need.

Part 2 : GPS Kicker
comming up

the project is so fun becasue you can create a route in front of your house with google map (earth) in 1:1 8)

Verfasst: 14.2.2009 - 10:40
von impish
Example from a today france region created stage with google earth :banana:

XML File from GPS Kicker

Picture of the rioute in Stage Editor